Meet: Oona Zlamany


NYC-Based creator

Join us as we chat with Oona about art, creating accessible spaces online, her favorite museums, and more!


Before we start, for those who don’t know you, can you share with us what you do and where you’re based?

I make art videos on Tiktok. Life advice, storytimes, fashion trends, I try to make content that I think everyone would like. Culture is a beautiful thing; to me making a video about my favorite childhood candy or interviewing Alex Katz are both forms of cultural commentary.

When I’m running late to work because the L train is delayed (which it always is), I’ll whip out my phone and have the person I’m with record me. I live in the East Village and grew up in Brooklyn.

Some people may recognize you from the content you make online that’s focused on art. Can you speak a bit more to that and the inspiration (or maybe even motivation) to start creating content about art + artists?

Growing up in an artist community, I’ve had constant access to a world that I think can often feel inaccessible and intimidating. My first job after college was at Sotheby’s, and I realized how high the barriers to entry were.

I want to empower people to enter this space and put themselves out there.

Being active in this online space, how do you see social shaping the future of art, both in terms of creation and consumption?

The power of social in this moment is accessibility. Accessibility to reach a broad audience, accessibility to film and edit content, accessibility to connections and ideas. All major art institutions (galleries, museums, auction houses) have and use TikTok.

I think we’re all in agreement that there is only more creation and consumption to be had. Through social media there is accessibility to these spaces.

Growing up in this world, how have your parents artistic pursuits influenced your own relationship with art?

When people dedicate their whole lives to something, you can’t help but feel a similar level of admiration. It rubs off on you.

The art space can be an intimidating, and often inaccessible world to break into. For those who are curious about getting more invovled (whether as a viewer or an artist themself) what advice would you offer to them?

Art is everywhere. Friends who love art and make art are the best resources. Build a community so that you feel more comfortable, and then, before you know it, it's just your life.

Out of all the museums and galleries you’ve been to, which one’s your favorite?

The Met, long-time favorite. The Victoria and Albert Museum in London, is magical. Peggy Guggenheim in Venice. I can’t choose just one, I don’t want to hurt feelings.

What’s your favorite piece of work?

My favorite piece is always changing. I have such a deep love and wonder for Alice Neel and anything Alice Neel. Her painting of Andy Warhol is beautiful and evokes so much emotion, I could stare at it for hours.

Who or what has been inspiring you lately?

New York. Growing up here has a big effect on who you become. It creates a hustler mentality and a craving for constant movement. I almost always want to be doing something, learning something, meeting people.

Before we let you *almost* go, where can we find more of you?!

Walking around the city, I’ve had a few people come up to me and connect over my TikTok. If you see me and the world is smaller than we often think, please say hi :)


Let’s Get Deep 

What’s your theme song?

What, Me Worry? (Portugal, The Man).

Night In or Night Out?

Night Out, but home by 12:00am.

When do you feel the most you? 

In the shower.

What’s something you’re obsessed with right now?


Call or Text?

Text for new friends, call for old friends.

When was the last time you cried? 


When’s the last time you laughed? 


Current favorite follow on social media? 

David Kratz has an incredible social media presence. He’s the President of the New York Academy of Art and is constantly showcasing up and coming artists. I’m always looking at his page and taking notes.

What’s one thing you would tell your 16-year-old self? 

The opinions of those you worry about the most, are those that matter the least.

Find more of Oona here:

Instagram @oonormous

TikTok: @oonazlamany

Listen to Oona’s Playlist: Here